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Fixing Ads.txt Scan Issues

Troubleshooting tips on how to solve issues with scanning your ads.txt

Daniel avatar
Written by Daniel
Updated over a week ago

If you have trouble with scanning your website's ads.txt - send us a chat message and we'll do our best to resolve it.

If your ads.txt is missing or invalid after updating it, there could be a couple of reasons why we are not able to automatically scan your ads.txt file:

  • If you're using Cloudflare and have set high security this might block our ads.txt scanner.

  • If you have a cache system implemented on your website, this can cause our scanner to pick up an old version of your ads.txt and show it as invalid.

If our ads.txt scanner shows you have missing lines (i.e. it can access your website's ads.txt) and you're using a cache plugin - try to refresh / purge / clear the cache and run the scanner again.

If you are using Cloudflare, one way to let us scan the ads.txt is to lower the security level to High or Medium:

Also, whitelist our IP addresses from within your Cloudflare account:

  • Log in to your Cloudflare account

  • Click on the Firewall icon

  • Open Tools tab

  • Locate the IP Access Rules. Below it, you need to add the IP addresses that you want to whitelist:

    • Enter the IP address

    • Select Whitelist

    • Enter the website for which the IP address needs to be whitelisted

  • Finally, click on Add

  • The IP addresses you will need to whitelist are the following















Make sure to both add the IPs to the whitelist and lower the security level to ensure our scanner will be able to access your ads.txt

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